Standard Methylation Pipeline

Differential DNA methylation analysis with Methylkit

  • Illustration

    Read Statistics and Plots

    Plots will be generated for each sample including ● Methylation level histograms● Read coverage histograms● 5mC correlation plots for all samples● Violin plots of methylation for all samples● PCA plot 

  • Illustration

    Differential Methylation (DMLs and DMRs)

    Plots will be generated at various cutoff levels for hypo- and hyper-methylated regions as generated by Methylkit. 

  • Illustration

    Regional enrichment

    Innovative digital solution for a marketing company. We worked on UX for the company website to make it more effective and increase the number of leads.

  • Illustration

    Visualized regions

    We use Methylartist to visualize all DMRs detected at your cutoff level of choice. 

  • Illustration


    All files associated with the analysis will be delivered. You will receive the complete list of DMLs and DMRs with adjusted p-values and methylation scores. A powerpoint containing all the plots shown here, and a folder of all DMRs visualized with Methylartist.